Concert du groupe Shamballa
ØÙÙ„ موسيقي Ù„Ùرقة شمبالا

Concert du groupe Shamballa
La société Armonia organise un concert du groupe Shamballa qui vous ramènera dans le monde mystique des mantras où la Joie pure et la Paix intérieure vous attendent.
Les tickets seront à votre disposition à partir du 14 mars 2015.
Points de vente:
Acropolium de Carthage, Club Culturel Tahar Haddad, Librairies Al Kitab la Marsa et l'avenue Habib Bourguiba, café Uranium Carthage Dermech, Librairie Fakhrenheit Carthage Dermech, boutique Antika la Marsa.
Pour plus d’informations, contactez:
Mohamed: +216 22 48 97 93
Inès: +216 53 20 16 50
Music group Shamballa is also active in design, meditation and event management.
Shamballa was formed in 2008, after a couple of experienced musicians abandoned rock lifestyle and found a whole new approach to music. They started organising music and meditation meetings, naming them Shamballa Satsang circles following Deva Premal's example. Performances in Slovenia and Croatia always brought out a good crowd and were well received.
There is a season for everything and the same goes for Shamballa. After many changes to the lineup, the band decided it's not going to limit itself but, instead become an open group, joining together different people for different occasions.
Live music, mantra singing and their own songs are steps, leading to the inner temple of peace out of which springs our awareness, being and coexistence. The goal of group mantra singing is to come in touch with oneself and to deepen this experience. This kind of singing creates a strong energy field, providing soul and spiritual food for us and stirs our subtle energies, enabling us with clearer internal awareness.
Original meaning:
Shamballa is known as Kingdom of happiness, White land, Land of the sun, and is a promised place. It's location is rumored to be somewhere in the Gobi desert that used to be a wonderful ocean. It evolved to a state of being, not attainable to common corporeal perception but only to energy-based perception.
Those who seek Shamballa refer to it as a state of conscience, that anybody can connect with anytime. A legend describes a traveller walking around the desert looking for Shamballa. Somewhere along the road he meets a wise man and asks him: I'm lookin for Shamballa. Do you know the way there? And the wise man responded: You found it. Shamballa is inside you, in your inner temple.
Prix :
Droit d'entrée 20 (dt)